I am currently usinga BNO055 sensor fitted on the Arduino Nine-axis motion shield to measure ocean wave heights and periods. To do this, I'd like to use the quaternions provided, however I have a slight issue. A quaternion should be <cos(theta/2), Xsin(theta/2), Ysin(theta/2), Z*sin(theta/2)>, with X, Y and Z the coordinates of a unit vector and theta the angle of rotation around that vector. Therefore, I expect all three to be inferior to one.
However, when I run a simple code to see the raw data, the W given by my sensor when on the table is 16 375, and X, Y and Z values are in the high hundreds range...
This gives me a wave height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers :slightly_smiling_face:
Does anyone know why this happens? Do I need to divide the quaternion by it's norm to get the correct result? Or maybe I am misunderstanding the use of a quaternion?
Oh, and I have calibrated the sensor beforehand
Thanks in advance for your help