If you don't want to include the individual config data in the sketch for each location there are mainly two possibilities to handle that:
- As consumer IOT devices often do you can write your code to create a hotspot with a website, where the IT staff can then connect to and config the device by inputting the config data into the website.
- You can use SPIFFS/LittleFS (The second is the successor of the first) to create a config file, which you then can read at the start of your sketch. This file system is saved in flash and can be written with an extra tool.
I would go for the second option. I'm currently still using SPIFFS, so I don't know if the following will be different for LittleFS. Your paths might vary (depending on core/version/OS).
First create your data directory, where you then place your config.json file. The standard is a directory named "data" inside the sketch folder.
Then you need to invoke mkspiffs
to create a binary image for your data folder. I'm doing it like this:
~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/tools/mkspiffs/0.2.3/mkspiffs -c ./data -d 5 -b 4096 -s 0x170000 -p 256 ${file_path}/spiffs_image.bin
is the path of the sketch folder for me. That way the image is placed directly besides the sketch. The options mean the following (I will also paste the help page of the command below):
-d 5 --> Debug Level at max (goes from 0 to 5)
-b 4096 --> block size in bytes
-s 0x170000 --> image size in bytes
-p 256 --> page size in bytes
-c ./data --> data directory
You can get these information when you look at the verbose output in the Arduino IDE while uploading the filesystem over the tool. They depend on your board and the settings that you use (mostly the partition scheme).
Then you can upload the image file via the esptool.py
~/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.5/tools/esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash 0x290000 ${file_path}/spiffs_image.bin
is the position in flash, where the data should be written. This also depends on your partition scheme and it should also appear in the Arduino IDE output, where you can copy it from. Note, that I'm invoking the python version here, that comes with the ESP32 core.
This works great for my ESP32 board (using the Wemos LOLIN32 with the "Standard" Partition scheme). Now you will have to think of a fitting workflow. You can have individual data directories and images for each location. Or you can change the file everytime you invoke the commands above (you can even do this in a script).
Here the help output of mkspiffs
~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/tools/mkspiffs/0.2.3/mkspiffs --help
{-c <pack_dir>|-u <dest_dir>|-l|-i}
[-d <0-5>] [-a] [-b <number>] [-p
<number>] [-s <number>] [--]
[--version] [-h] <image_file>
-c <pack_dir>, --create <pack_dir>
(OR required) create spiffs image from a directory
-- OR --
-u <dest_dir>, --unpack <dest_dir>
(OR required) unpack spiffs image to a directory
-- OR --
-l, --list
(OR required) list files in spiffs image
-- OR --
-i, --visualize
(OR required) visualize spiffs image
-d <0-5>, --debug <0-5>
Debug level. 0 means no debug output.
-a, --all-files
when creating an image, include files which are normally ignored;
currently only applies to '.DS_Store' files and '.git' directories
-b <number>, --block <number>
fs block size, in bytes
-p <number>, --page <number>
fs page size, in bytes
-s <number>, --size <number>
fs image size, in bytes
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
(required) spiffs image file
And for the esptool.py
~/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.5/tools/esptool.py --help
usage: esptool [-h] [--chip {auto,esp8266,esp32,esp32s2beta}] [--port PORT]
[--baud BAUD]
[--before {default_reset,no_reset,no_reset_no_sync}]
[--after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}] [--no-stub]
[--trace] [--override-vddsdio [{1.8V,1.9V,OFF}]]
[--connect-attempts CONNECT_ATTEMPTS]
esptool.py v2.9-dev - ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility
positional arguments:
Run esptool {command} -h for additional help
load_ram Download an image to RAM and execute
dump_mem Dump arbitrary memory to disk
read_mem Read arbitrary memory location
write_mem Read-modify-write to arbitrary memory location
write_flash Write a binary blob to flash
run Run application code in flash
image_info Dump headers from an application image
make_image Create an application image from binary files
elf2image Create an application image from ELF file
read_mac Read MAC address from OTP ROM
chip_id Read Chip ID from OTP ROM
flash_id Read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID
read_flash_status Read SPI flash status register
write_flash_status Write SPI flash status register
read_flash Read SPI flash content
verify_flash Verify a binary blob against flash
erase_flash Perform Chip Erase on SPI flash
erase_region Erase a region of the flash
version Print esptool version
get_security_info Get some security-related data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--chip {auto,esp8266,esp32,esp32s2beta}, -c {auto,esp8266,esp32,esp32s2beta}
Target chip type
--port PORT, -p PORT Serial port device
--baud BAUD, -b BAUD Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading
--before {default_reset,no_reset,no_reset_no_sync}
What to do before connecting to the chip
--after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}, -a {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}
What to do after esptool.py is finished
--no-stub Disable launching the flasher stub, only talk to ROM
bootloader. Some features will not be available.
--trace, -t Enable trace-level output of esptool.py interactions.
--override-vddsdio [{1.8V,1.9V,OFF}]
Override ESP32 VDDSDIO internal voltage regulator (use
with care)
--connect-attempts CONNECT_ATTEMPTS
Number of attempts to connect, negative or 0 for
infinite. Default: 7.