I have an Arduino Uno and a usb 2.0 shield in which I connected a keyboard to. I have all the necessary libraries installed but what I am trying to figure out is how to light an led when I press a specific key.
I am new to codding Arduino boards and I have done a lot of reading but I cant figure out my issue I feel like if I get this figured out I will be a lot better off in my future projects.
#include <hidboot.h>
#include <usbhub.h>
#ifdef dobogusinclude
#include <spi4teensy3.h>
#include <SPI.h>
int SKEY = 8;
class KbdRptParser : public KeyboardReportParser
void PrintKey(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key);
void OnKeyDown (uint8_t mod, uint8_t key);
void OnKeyUp (uint8_t mod, uint8_t key);
void OnKeyPressed (uint8_t key);
void KbdRptParser::PrintKey(uint8_t m, uint8_t key)
*((uint8_t*)&mod) = m;
Serial.print((mod.bmLeftCtrl == 1) ? "C" : " ");
Serial.print((mod.bmLeftShift == 1) ? "S" : " ");
Serial.print((mod.bmLeftAlt == 1) ? "A" : " ");
Serial.print((mod.bmLeftGUI == 1) ? "G" : " ");
Serial.print(" >");
PrintHex<uint8_t>(key, 0x80);
Serial.print("< ");
Serial.print((mod.bmRightCtrl == 1) ? "C" : " ");
Serial.print((mod.bmRightShift == 1) ? "S" : " ");
Serial.print((mod.bmRightAlt == 1) ? "A" : " ");
Serial.println((mod.bmRightGUI == 1) ? "G" : " ");
void KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key)
Serial.print("DN ");
PrintKey(mod, key);
uint8_t c = OemToAscii(mod, key);
void KbdRptParser::OnKeyUp(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key)
Serial.print("UP ");
PrintKey(mod, key);
void KbdRptParser::OnKeyPressed(uint8_t key)
Serial.print("ASCII: ");
USB Usb;
KbdRptParser Prs;
void setup() {
#if !defined(__MIPSEL__)
while (!Serial);
if (Usb.Init() == -1)
Serial.println("OSC did not start.");
delay( 1 );
HidKeyboard.SetReportParser(0, &Prs);
void loop() {
Anyways I know how to make if statements and how to activate pins on the Arduino but I cant figure it out in this keyboard library. For now I just made it print "TRUE" since there is not need to get complicated if I cant get the first step to work. Before I made that if statement the serial monitor would show the value assigned to the key and label it DN # and when I let up on the key it would say UP # but how can I translate that to sending a pulse to whatever pin when I push a key and stop sending a pulse when I let up on the key?
Also in my if statement that I made I know I need something before == sign but I tried multiple things and they did not work so I just left it blank and the reason I used the number 16 was because that was the value assigned to the S key in which I wanted to use to light an led. Anyways any help would be greatly appreciated!
when a key is pressed ... why can't you turn on an LED when a key is pressed?sending a pulse to whatever pin when I push a key and stop sending a pulse
... that only applies to a flashing LED ... if you turn on a LED and leave it on, then that is not a pulse