I'm using the SdFat.h library on a STM32 and I can successfully create a file in the root directory using SD.open("test.txt", FILE_WRITE); but my code fails to create SD.open("DATA/data_test.txt", FILE_WRITE); in a directory. Here's the piece of code that successfully creates a file in the root:

String final_book_name = upload_book_name + ".txt";
if (SD.exists(final_book_name.c_str())) {
tft.println(final_book_name); // This successfully prints "test.txt"
book_file = SD.open(final_book_name, FILE_WRITE);
if (SD.exists(final_book_name.c_str())) {
  tft.print("Created file");
} else {
  tft.print("Failed to create/replace\nfile!");

and here's the piece of the code that fails to create a file in a directory:

if (!SD.exists(DATA_DIR)) {
String final_book_name = upload_book_name + ".txt";
String book_data_path = DATA_DIR;
book_data_path += "/data_" + final_book_name;
if (SD.exists(book_data_path.c_str())) {
tft.println(book_data_path); // This successfully prints "DATA/data_test.txt"
File book_data_file = SD.open(book_data_path, FILE_WRITE);
if (SD.exists(book_data_path.c_str())) {
} else{
  tft.print("Failed to create/replace\ndata file!");
  if (SD.exists(final_book_name.c_str())) {
  • 1
    Try it with /DATA/test.txt I remember SD library uses the classic 8.3 filenames and data_test.txt is invalid Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 8:48
  • @DataFiddler I'm using SdFat.h with Long Names (which allows names up to 255 characters) Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 9:14

2 Answers 2


I found the issue. I'm not creating the directory folder properly. When I checked the SD card from another device, the DATA folder was invalid, and creating it manually works. I'll look for a solution and post an update.

UPDATE: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=421131.0 I'll try this tomorrow but it'll probably fix the issue.


As you have given no variable for DATA_DIR

String book_data_path = DATA_DIR;
book_data_path += "/data_" + final_book_name;

so your resulting path looks like

DATA_DIR + "/data_" + final_book_name

IF DATA_DIR = "/" then it would be "/" + "/data_" + final_book_name

As tip do not use the string class but char arrays


 const char[] DATA_DIR = "/books";  
 char book_data_path [128] = {'\0'};
 char final_book_name [13] =  {'\0'}; // IF no LFN support is used its 8.3 !!!
 const char upload_book_name[] = "my_book";
 strcpy (final_book_name, upload_book_name);
 strcat (final_book_name, ".txt");

If you want long filr namesupport us SDFat library or enable LFB withSD lib (whichneeds about 35% ,ore memory as SDfat (when using long file names).
As you are using SDFat and I do not know which version/fork there is abug with writing to subdirectories. Please check the following:
To check run the SdFat\examples\DirectoryFunctions and watch your serial monitor for the results
SdFile.cpp. At line 782 and 1452, you have (in my version):

if (block <= m_vol->cacheBlockNumber()
  && block < (m_vol->cacheBlockNumber() + nb)) {

The working code has:

if (m_vol->cacheBlockNumber() <= block
  && block < (m_vol->cacheBlockNumber() + nBlock)) {

If you have the upper version change it and it should work
EDIT 2 Work around for buggy SDFat lib
Here is a workaround code

const char DATA_DIR [] = "data";
char final_book_name[128] ={'\0'};
char book_data_path [256] ={'\0'};

if (!SD.exists(DATA_DIR)) {

strcpy (final_book_name, upload_book_name);
 strcat (final_book_name, ".txt";
String book_data_path = DATA_DIR;

strcpy(book_data_path, "data_");
strcat(book_data_path, final_book_name);

if (SD.exists(book_data_path)) {

tft.println(book_data_path); // This successfully prints "DATA/data_test.txt"
File book_data_file = SD.open(final_book_name, FILE_WRITE);
if (SD.exists(final_book_name)) {
} else{
  tft.print("Failed to create/replace\ndata file!");
  if (SD.exists(final_book_name)) {
  • DATA_DIR is "DATA". I don't see the solution in your answer. I will make my Strings to characters, that's a good idea but what about my main issue here? Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 10:55
  • Sorry, it's still unclear to me what I should do. I'm using STM32, not an Arduino and I don't have a Serial Monitor. I will try downloading a newer SdFat version. Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 13:48
  • I downloaded the newest version of SdFat from here: github.com/greiman/SdFat and ran it, but it still fails to create a file in a subdirectory Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 14:29
  • I could try to do SD.chdir(DATA_DIR); but I'm not sure how that works exactly and if even that's the problem. I don't think SD.chdir(DATA_DIR); is necessary Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 14:43
  • I tried with SD.chdir(DATA_DIR); (as far as I know how to use it) but it failed. (it created the file in the root, not in the dir) Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 14:58

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