I wanted to make a simulation of a traffic light, and since I don't have any sensors I used a button to change between the different states (red/stop and green/drive). When the states are changing I wanted to have a short yellow blink- just like normal traffic lights work. But in the first state(green), yellow doesn't turn off. In the second the same problem occurs, but if I press the button, that I connected to GPIO pin 2, the LED turns off. It makes no sense to me, as the switch sentence turn off the yellow LED before powering the others (in both cases). In addition, I can't wrap my head around the fact that the yellow LED turns off after I press the button once more, as I only have two cases in the switch sentence, but it now seems like there is three.
void loop() {
// Turn the green led on (GPIO PIN 11) if button pressed once. If button is pressed again switch to yellow then to red.
if(switchLedBtn.pressed()) {
colour = colour + 1;
if(colour > 3) {
colour = 1;
switch(colour) {
// Turn off red, turn on yellow in half a second, then power green (green(0), yellow(1) and red(2))
case 1: digitalWrite(ledPins[2], LOW); digitalWrite(ledPins[1], HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPins[1], LOW); digitalWrite(ledPins[0], HIGH);
// Turn green off, turn yellow on for a second, then power red
case 2: digitalWrite(ledPins[0], LOW); digitalWrite(ledPins[1], HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(ledPins[1], LOW); digitalWrite(ledPins[2], HIGH);