Hoping you can help a newbie. I'm putting together a board for a Christmas present this year. It's replacing the factory board that comes on a beer fridge/vending machine, with minimal interactions.
Basically, when the beer can falls into an outlet chute, it trips a switch that triggers some LEDs and audio. Pretty simple stuff. The fridge supplied +5v to the previous board, so I thought I could remove it and simply swap in the Arduino.
The code runs fine when the Arduino is powered by USB/laptop. I spliced a USB header onto the +5v wire supplied by the fridge and plugged it all in. Now, it will boot up, play some weird fuzz out of the speaker, and reset after about 10 seconds.
How can I use the +5v to power my nutty creation? The previous board had a capacitor on it which I removed (I know next to nothing about some of this stuff but it seems like maybe that would help?)
Here's a photo of what I'm working with. If I need to provide any additional information or photos I can do that.
If you have any advice, please ELI5 with regards to what I might be able to place in my circuit to get this working (links or definitions are incredibly helpful!)
Any help is appreciated!