This going to be a difficult to debug problem but I hope some ppl here have C knowledge and idea what's going on. Given an arduino nano which is controlled by a C program from WRT54G.
Here is the relevant part of the arduino code:
void setup() {
int integerValue=0;
// Max value is 65535
char incomingByte;
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) { // something came across serial
integerValue = 0; // throw away previous integerValue
while(1) { // force into a loop until 'n' is received
incomingByte =;
if (incomingByte == '\n') break; // exit the while(1), we're done receiving
if (incomingByte == -1) continue; // if no characters are in the buffer read() returns -1
integerValue *= 10; // shift left 1 decimal place
// convert ASCII to integer, add, and shift left 1 decimal place
integerValue = ((incomingByte - 48) + integerValue);
Serial.print("Command: ");
Pretty straight forward (it converts serial received ascii chars to numeric format), arduino receives a simple integer and it runs a function. For example 1-> turn on relay1. This work's reliably for sure because I can just do:
echo "1" > /dev/tts/1
from the terminal.
Now here is the relevant part of the C code:
int serialport_read_until(int fd, char* buf, char until, int buf_max, int timeout)
char b[1]; // read expects an array, so we give it a 1-byte array
int i=0;
do {
int n = read(fd, b, 1); // read a char at a time
if( n==-1) return -1; // couldn't read
if( n==0 ) {
usleep( 1 * 1000 ); // wait 1 msec try again
printf("serialport_read_until: i=%d, n=%d b='%c'\n",i,n,b[0]); // debug
buf[i] = b[0];
} while( b[0] != until && i < buf_max && timeout>0 );
buf[i] = 0; // null terminate the string
return 0;
/* Only use integer commands */
int serialport_write(int fd, int comm_no)
char command[6];
printf("Sending Command:%s",command);
int len = strlen(command);
int n = write(fd, command, len);
if( n!=len )
return -1;
return 0;
void *ardu_handler(void *fdfd)
int fd = *(int*)fdfd;
char buf[256];
char getback[10];
while (1)
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
serialport_read_until(fd, buf, '\n', 256, 5);
fprintf(stderr, "Received: %s\n", buf);
Then a C thread will be started with the ardu_handler which in this case doesn't do anything else just print's back the response from the ardu.
What's happening is when I send a command I start getting back infinite amount of commands (up until I close the C app and start it again) and to make it worse it is even inconsistent.
For example:
Command: 62143
Command: 7891
Command: 3216
Command: 11287
runs forever.
What I asking myself is whether these responses coming out from the arduino or they are just coming out from the bogous C program... It's not possible to connect to see what's coming out on the serial port unfortunately until this program holds the port open.
Although I run the C code on mips this was doing the same thing back on x86 PC with an arduino uno (sometimes it is stable but then it falls into this unstable state and floods the serial port). It was unreliable and I would like to make it reliable.
. See b[1];
is defined, but you're trying to null-terminate a string. Where is buf_max defined?stderr
output, though I can't see theReceived:
part of it.// Max value is 65535
- that isn't true.