I want to make a network with arduinos and nrf24l01 chips. The network will be like this:
- 1 master arduino
- multiple (no specific number) slave nodes
I want all nodes to have the same receiving and the same transmitting address and the master arduino to understand which one send the message from the message itself. For example:
Master: Receiving: 0xABCDABCD71 Transmitting: 0xABCDABCD01
Slave 1 Receiving: 0xABCDABCD01 Transmitting: 0xABCDABCD71
Slave 2 Receiving: 0xABCDABCD01 Transmitting: 0xABCDABCD71
Slave 3 Receiving: 0xABCDABCD01 Transmitting: 0xABCDABCD71
Slave 4 Receiving: 0xABCDABCD01 Transmitting: 0xABCDABCD71
When master send a message, all nodes will receive it. What I want to ask is :
- Is that possible?
- Will there be any problems?
- Is there any other way so I can add more nodes in the future without changing the code?