I am using arduino uno to make a sound detector. I uploaded a program, found error in the code that it returns unintended numbers unreasonably big. I also think I used wrong code for the module, but it was connected in the way that can work properly with the proper code.
The code I uploaded was:
const int ledPin =13;
const int middleValue = 512;
const int numberOfSamples =128;
int sample;
long signal;
long averageReading;
long runningAverage = 0;
const int averagedOver = 16;
const int threshold=400;
void setup(){
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT)
void loop(){
long sumOfSquares = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numberOfSamples; i++){
sample = analogRead(0);
signal = (sample - middleValue);
signal *= signal;
sumOfSquares += signal;
averageReading = sumOfSquares/numberOfSamples;
runningAverage=(((averagedOver -1 )*runningAverage)+averageReading)/averagedOver;
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
When the arduino suddenly stopped sending serial numbers, I pressed reset button and uploaded the default code:
void setup() {
void loop() {
but now it shows that it cannot connect to COM3 (arduino) and cant find the device, When I can see arduino uno successfully connected to PC using device manager (windows 8.1). The led light of arduino also turns on when I connect it to power source or usb.
it shows "port not found" when I click to see the serial output
Did I just fry Arduino? How should I fix this?
Also, i checked the led pin 13 blinking three times when i plug in the usb. I just cant upload anything