linked to my old question, Pro Mini 5v with Adafruit motor shield v1 power sharing problems
I figured out and use one 7.2v battery (6 AA cells), and link it with RAW pin to Pro mini and join its 5v pin to motor shield 5v. It works but as I have a servo on this shield, 2 distance sensors so servo does not work well all the times. Stops or does not move as directed, shaking etc. I figured out that pro mini output 5v but only 150mAh which is not sufficient to run a servo which while sharing same 5v for motor shield. I need to know if I want to supply 5v 2000mAh from AA cells or 5v regulator, should I use these pins on motor shield (5v, Gnd, 9v)? I tried but it did not work. I did not find it anywhere on net.
- How can I use these pins shown in the picture.
- What is the min/max mAh value of current I can provide at these pins?
If supplying input current at these pins, should I connect/disconnect power jumper?
I am totally stuck. Need help. And here is the quick diagram how things are attached. All other pins are attached at shield connects to UNO when stack on it.