I am building a CircuitPython weather station based on Adafruit M4 board stacked with Adafruit ESP32 AirLift module.
Both work fine together when it comes to making http calls (via the Adafruit_requests library). However I would like to build aam HTTP server serving weather measures instead. And
And here is a problem: all Adafuit examples are based on ESP32 or Raspberry Pico boards natively fitted with WIFIWifi. The Adafuit M4 board doesn't have the same core pythonPython packages since it doesn't sport WIFIsupport Wifi. So
So an example written for Pico doesn't work on the M4 with ESP AirLift, as there are a number of packages missing to do so (like wifi and socket), adafuit_esp package has to be used instead. This
This package however seems to be incompatible with Adafuit HTTPServer: https://docs.circuitpython.org/projects/httpserver/en/stable/index.html HttpServer requires a socket object as a parameter to be initialized:
thisThis code fails when I'm trying to start the server:
andAnd the error is:
So it looks like that's not the right socket ? it. It works for ESP and Requests libs but not for HTTPServer.
My question then (or two) is ifdoes anyone know a workaround for this issue and and/or a different socket or server packages I can use instead ?
Here is the full code for the reference, it is not finished and contains more stuff thatthan described here but unrelated to the issue: