I work in a warehouse and I was tasked to make a device which will show the location of any product when Product ID is given. All of our product has 3 things. Product ID, Rack Number and Gap number.
So the basic program is like that When I enter Product ID: 1640 The program will show in display that it is located in RCK 113 GAP 88
For this I used Arduino Mega, 4x3 Keypad and 16x2 LCD Display with I2C adapter. I found a Arduino Keypad Calculator code on the Internet and modify my code from there. So currently my code is working fine and everything
What I noticed is Arduino mega has only 2% memory left with all that string value (For that I couldn't use Arduino Uno at first). Now due to new products are added I need more space or ways to store data elsewhere.
I can not use internet or WIFI as Another team has already made a device using ESP8266 Nodemcu which shows data from a Google sheet but since my device stores data in itself it is very fast (almost instant) to show any result on the other hand the device with NODEMCU ESP8266 can be easily updated and doesn't bother about size yet it is very slow to show result and needs good wifi connection so it is not efficient in warehouse environment. So every staff use my device on the go and other device as a backup
Currently I have around 1000 product address stored in my device but a new shipment of almost 3000 product is coming and my mega has only 2% memory left.
So any genius here can you help me to compress my program more ? or any fault I made during my coding ? Also this is my first post and sorry for my bad English.
My Code is given below. It is huge please take your time to understand it.
Even I can't copy my code here
Body is limited to 30000 characters; you entered 132142.
This is a sample of my code for you to understand
Here is full code uploaded. Download
What I want to know is, if it is possible to add a Arduino SD card module and keep portion of my string memory in there.
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Keypad.h>
const byte ROWS = 4;
const byte COLS = 4;
unsigned int integerValue=0;
//define the keymap
char keys [ROWS] [COLS] = {
{'1', '2', '3', 'X'},
{'4', '5', '6', '*'},
{'7', '8', '9', '='},
{'/', '0', '-', '+'}
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {9, 8, 7, 6};
byte colPins[COLS] = {5, 4, 3, 2};
//create the keypad
Keypad myKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
//variables declaration
boolean valOnePresent = false;
boolean result = false;
String num1;
int ans;
boolean getvalue = false;
void setup(){
lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
void loop(){
char key = myKeypad.getKey();
if (key != NO_KEY && (key=='1'||key=='2'||key=='3'||key=='4'||key=='5'||key=='6'||key=='7'||key=='8'||key=='9'||key=='0')){
num1 = num1 + key;
int numLength = num1.length();
lcd.setCursor(15 - numLength, 1);
valOnePresent = true;
else if (valOnePresent == true && key != NO_KEY && key == '='){
ans = num1.toInt();
result = true;
else if (key != NO_KEY && key == 'X'){
valOnePresent = false;
num1 = "";
getvalue = false;
integerValue = ans;
if (result == true) {
if (integerValue == 9 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("109");lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print("63 "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 15 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("107");lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print("60 "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 15 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("109");lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print("63 "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 20 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("109");lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print("63 "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 22 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("110");lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print("68 "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 23 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("109");lcd.setCursor(12,1);lcd.print("63 "); delayfunc();}
//TOP and components
if (integerValue == 1001 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("RCK 115 COL A "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 1002 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("RCK 115 COL A "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 1003 ) { IDScrn(); lcd.print("RCK 115 COL A "); delayfunc();}
//Stock and CBOX
if (integerValue == 376 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" Stock Box 1"); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 15 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" Stock Box 1"); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 919 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" Stock Box 1"); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 39K COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 10K COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 47k COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 1k COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 2k COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 4.7k COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 245 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 27k COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 766 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 0 ohm COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 766 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 220 ohm COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 766 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 560 ohm COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 766 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 470 ohm COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 766 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 330 ohm COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 766 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" 100 ohm COL I "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 1291 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" Cbox 1 GAP 101 "); delayfunc();}
if (integerValue == 1314 ) { ComScrn(); lcd.print(" Cbox 1 GAP 101 "); delayfunc();}
if (getvalue == false) { noproduct(); }
void frstscreen()
lcd.print("Warehouse Stock");
lcd.print("Enter ID: ");
void pressA(){
lcd.print("Press A again");
void noproduct(){
lcd.print("Not Found");
lcd.print("Press A again");
result= false;
void delayfunc(){
result = false;
delay (2000);
getvalue = true;
void lcd1stline(){
void IDScrn(){
lcd.print("ID: ");
lcd.print("RCK GAP");
void ComScrn(){
lcd.print("ID: ");