Arduino Uno STM32F103C8T6 Mini Dev Board
MicroController Atmega328P Cortex M3
MIPS/MHz 1 1.25
Operating Voltage [V] 5 3.3, most pins 5V tolerant
Input Voltage [V] 7-12 USB only
Input Voltage (limit) [V] 6-20 (USB)
Digital I/O Pins 16 37
From them:PWM Digital I/O Pins 6 12
Analog Input Pins 6 10
DC Current per I/O Pin [mA] 20 ?
DC Current for 3.3V Pin [mA] 50 ?
Flash [KB} 32 64
SRAM [KB] 2 20
Clock Speed [MHz] 16 72
I2C 1 2
SPI 1 2 (18 MBit/s)
UART 1 3
CAN 0 1
USB 0 USB 2.0 FS 12 MBit
DMA 0 7 channels (ATsP, SPI, I2C, USART)
RTC 0 1
CRC 0 1
Unique ID 0 1
Programmed by USB SWD Debug (around $5)
IDE Arduino IDE Arduino IDE, CubeMX, ...
Libraries Many Limited
Dimensions [mm] 68.6 x 53.4 53 x 22
Weight [g] 25 ?
Price (cheapest) [$] 2.50 1.50
Note: as written earlier, despite the mostly better specs, not all libraries are supported. Also a programmer need to be bought (only once, cost about $5).