I have this code and it is a reaction light game. whenWhen you press the button on pin 11 it starts the game and the lights should osculate back and forth. theThe main goal is to press the button when it hits the middle led and the osculating will slow down. iI cannot get the leds to turn on help?`int ledPin;
`intint ledPin;
int direction;
int isChanging;
unsigned long lastChange;
void setup() {
//set pins 2 to 10 to be output
// and LEDs off
int pin;
for (pin = 2; pin <= 10; pin++) {
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
//set pin 11 to be input
pinMode(11, INPUT);
ledPin = 2;
direction = 1;
lastChange = millis();
void loop() {
if (isChanging) {
if (millis() - lastChange > 500) {
//turn off old LED
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
//reset time
lastChange = millis();
//change the led
ledPin = ledPin + direction;
if (ledPin > 10) {
direction = -1;
ledPin = 9;
} else (ledPin < 2); {
direction = +1;
ledPin = 3;
//turn on new LED
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
//check for button
if (digitalRead(11)) {
isChanging = 0;
else {
//wait for them to let go of the button
while (digitalRead(11)) {
//wait for it to be pressed again
while (!digitalRead(11)) {
//wait for them to let go of the button
while (digitalRead(11)) {