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EDIT: That worked Mark!

New Code Mapping attempt (Compiles,does not work)

#include <TinyServo.h>
#include <TinyPinChange.h>
#include <TinyPpmReader.h>
#include <Rcul.h>

int PPM_INPUT_PIN = TinyPpmReader.width_us(3); //<------- Doesn't work

//int potpin0 = 3;    <---------          // This worked 
int val0;                     // integer to store value

const byte SERVOS = 1;                   // how many servos do you have? up to 5 on ATTiny85 and 8 on ATtiny84/2313
const byte servoPin[SERVOS] = { 0 }; // what pins are your servos on?
                                       // you have the option to give your servos nice names. 0 refers to the first servo pin above, 1 to the second, etc

#define PANSERVO 0
#define PPM_INPUT_PIN  2    <--------- //define pin for ppm input

void setup()

void loop() 
  val0 = analogRead(PPM_INPUT_PIN);  <---------          // reads the value of the       potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)            // reads the value of the 2nd potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) 
  val0= map(val0, 1000, 2000, 0, 180);
    // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) 
       // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) 

moveServo(PANSERVO, val0);

  delay(5);                           // waits for the servo to get there 

EDIT: That worked Mark!

New Code Mapping attempt (Compiles,does not work)

#include <TinyServo.h>
#include <TinyPinChange.h>
#include <TinyPpmReader.h>
#include <Rcul.h>

int PPM_INPUT_PIN = TinyPpmReader.width_us(3); //<------- Doesn't work

//int potpin0 = 3;    <---------          // This worked 
int val0;                     // integer to store value

const byte SERVOS = 1;                   // how many servos do you have? up to 5 on ATTiny85 and 8 on ATtiny84/2313
const byte servoPin[SERVOS] = { 0 }; // what pins are your servos on?
                                       // you have the option to give your servos nice names. 0 refers to the first servo pin above, 1 to the second, etc

#define PANSERVO 0
#define PPM_INPUT_PIN  2    <--------- //define pin for ppm input

void setup()

void loop() 
  val0 = analogRead(PPM_INPUT_PIN);  <---------          // reads the value of the       potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)            // reads the value of the 2nd potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) 
  val0= map(val0, 1000, 2000, 0, 180);
    // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) 
       // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) 

moveServo(PANSERVO, val0);

  delay(5);                           // waits for the servo to get there 
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Accessing Values From Array Within a Library

There are many great examples of how to access information from an array on the net. I ran into a specific case that has me confused. I am using a library for attiny 85 TinyPpmReader.h. This is a simple library that will take PPM signals in from a RC receiver running in pulse position mode and allows you to attach to a pin to process input. Easy enough.

In the code below, I ran into some confusion when trying to access the data in the array. I am trying to filter out a single channel in the ppm stream and print the contents of only 1 channel (Original example prints 8 channels) and eventually map that value to a servo. (I pasted the serial monitor ouput at the end of the code)

I tried accessing the variable stored in the array like this:

void loop()
for(uint8_t Idx = 1; Idx <= TinyPpmReader.detectedChannelNb(); Idx++) /* From Channel 1 to Max detected */

if(TinyPpmReader.detectedChannelNb == [5]) //Is this channel 6 in index 0-7?
Serial.println(TinyPpmReader.width_us[5); // if so, print only index 5 containing channel 6 values

Example unedited sketch from library

#include <TinyPinChange.h>
#include <TinyPpmReader.h>
#include <Rcul.h>

#define PPM_INPUT_PIN  2

void setup()

void loop()
  Serial.print(F("* Period="));Serial.print((int)TinyPpmReader.ppmPeriod_us());Serial.println(F(" us *"));
  for(uint8_t Idx = 1; Idx <= TinyPpmReader.detectedChannelNb(); Idx++) /* From Channel 1 to Max detected */
    Serial.print(F("Ch"));Serial.print(Idx);Serial.print(F("="));Serial.print(TinyPpmReader.width_us(Idx));Serial.println(F(" us"));

The serial monitor prints this:

* Period=17928 us *
Ch=1496 us
Ch=1744 us
Ch=896 us
Ch=1560 us
Ch=1640 us
Ch=1496 us
Ch=1536 us
Ch=1688 us

Any suggestions? It is probably something simple but I dont think I am googling the correct question to get the correct answer.